November Health & Wellbeing Topic: Gratitude

Below you’ll find resources – including articles, trainings, tip sheets, and more – on relevant and trending topics to help support your health and well-being at work, at home and at play.

Check out the resources below or visit to learn more. (Access Code: UMISSOURI)

Featured Articles
  1. World Kindness Day - November 13
  2. Am I OK?
  3. Your brain on gratitude
  4. 7 benefits of practicing gratitude
Manager Podcast
Featured Training

Creating kindess in the workplace

This session explores the critical role of kindness in building strong relationships and promoting positive mental health. This will include strategies and practical ways to demonstrate kindness on a daily basis. Participants will delve into the motivations behind performing altruistic acts and examine the science behind gratitude by providing practical strategies for incorporating it into our daily routines. We will also discuss the benefits of giving and helping others for our own mental well-being, emphasising the importance of kindness as a key element of a healthy workplace. Through the combination of scientific insights and practical strategies, this session aims to empower participants to create a culture of kindness and gratitude, promoting positive mental health and strengthening relationships. 

Register for a live 1-hour training session or use the on-demand option to watch the training when it’s convenient for you. 

Member Benefits

All UMKC faculty, staff, and household members have access to Optum's Live and Work Well program (EAP). Program benefits include access to professional counselors trained to assist with stress, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, work concerns, financial issues, and family or relationship difficulties.

Sign in to for mental health and emotional wellbeing support. Find care, explore your benefits and get help in a crisis. (Access Code: UMISSOURI)